Blur your face in 3 seconds,

Upload your picture and blur in as fast as 3 seconds

Safely protect the identities of your loved ones

When uploading photos of your children on social media

For your children and for the safety and privacy of your family.

When sharing photos of friends or acquaintances on social media

Have you asked them for permission to use their photos on social media? If not, blur their faces to give them ease of privacy.

Uploading photos of unknown people

According to the Personal Information Protection Act, uploading a photo without the individual's consent requires you to blur their face.

Why blur faces?

There have been many instances of photos being used without consent. Photos are wrongfully used from product reviews to identity theft. In some severe cases, photos are even used for kidnapping or sex trafficking. Overseas, the topic of 'sharenting' has increasingly become an issue. In France, parents who post pictures of their children on social media without consent face up to one year in prison and a fine of 45,000 euros. Photos preserve treasured memories. Unfortunately, once a photo is uploaded online, it may be exposed to identity theft even if you delete it.

Privacy is basic social etiquette

Blur.Me is quick, easy, and smart.


AI-based facial recognition

Automatic face detection

Are you wasting your time trying to manually find each single face in a photo? With, faces are instantly recognized and automatically blurred. Try out this handy tool to ensure your safety.

Face selection function

Blur everyone in a photo except you

Do you want to blur everyone's face in a photo except yours? Simply click a bounding box for your face. You can apply or undo the effect on any face. A quick and easy solution for your privacy needs online.

Fast AI facial recognition

Blur out multiple people in a photo in just 3 seconds.

Too many people in a photo? No worries. is a tool that can accurately recognize and quickly process the faces of everyone within a photo.

Supports various blur effects

Unrecognizable, Enhancing your features

Adjust the intensity, shape and size of the blur to your liking.

Use the slider below to make adjustments.

A simple tool to blur your face, try it for free today.

Upload image

Drag your files or click here.

The uploaded image is required for automatic face recognition and is not saved on the server.


27 May 2022
Do you know what sharenting is?

Sharenting is a compound word for 'share' and 'parenting.' It refers to sharing a child's photo or video on social media.

26 May 2022
A smarter use of social media platforms with
Ideas is always expanding and developing.

Just as your privacy is important, we must protect the privacy of others as well. From video blurring to CCTV modules, we are always striving to make better solutions to protect personal information that has the possibility to be exposed.

We'd love to hear your thoughts on how we can improve our platform.